Monday, October 1, 2012

I CARE Foundation's Peter Senese Full Educational Film Series on International Child Abduction

In my capacity as a writer, producer, child advocate, and founding director of the I CARE Foundation, I am fully aware that one of the most important challenges facing society when it comes to international  parental child kidnapping is raising awareness and and obtaining accurate information.

In order to help other parents as well as stakeholders dedicated to assisting targeted children and their parents, I have created the 'Chasing Parents' educational documentary film series that addresses key issues associated with IPCA.

There is nothing fancy here - just me - a father who found himself Chasing The Cyclone of international child abduction and decided to do something about it so others could learn from my experienes - going over information that will help you not only understand many issues related to IPCA, but issues that may either help you protect an at-risk child or help bring a kidnapped child home.

Before I go any further, I want to be very specific and say that international parental child abduction is the federal crime of kidnapping in the United States as well as in Canada and many other nations. It is a form of severe child abuse and child neglect.

In viewing these documentary films, please know I am not an attorney, and the subject matter presented is based on my opinion.

In my capacity as the founding director of the I CARE Foundation, as well as a best-selling author and writer who has a high concentration of published material extensively distributed concerning abduction, I do believe you will find what I share in this video series to be informative and citeable.

A special thanks is extended to my fellow I CARE Foundation board member Carolyn Vlk, writer of the unanimously passed, ground-breaking Florida CAPA law, along with many research publications on child abduction.  Carolyn is a co-producer and writer of this video series.

As for the number of children and parents we have helped, there have been many.  I believe this is our great responsibility.  I think we all have a responsibility to help one another.

Please visit the I CARE Foundation's website to learn more about the foundation's work.

Please check on the official website of Chasing The Cyclone or the official website of Peter Thomas Senese for more information.

I hope the material contained herein has been helpful to you.

Lastly, if you are a parent considering to illegally remove your child from the country or wrongfully detain the child in another country, please do not.  Consider writing to me personally at the I CARE Foundation: whatever your issues and concerns are, there can be alternative resolutions other than abducting.

                                                                      CHASING PARENTS 

                 Part I - International Parental Child Abduction Overview by Peter Thomas Senese

         Part II - Warning Signs Of International Parental Child Abduction  by Peter Thomas Senese

              Part III - International Parental Child Abduction In Progress by Peter Thomas Senese

                          Part IV - Reunification & International Parental Child Abduction
                                                                  by Peter Thomas Senese

                  Part V - International Parental Child Abduction Overview by Peter Thomas Senese

              Part VI - New Laws, Policy Modification & Reforms Needed To Protect Children From  
                                International Parental Child Abduction by Peter Thomas Senese

                                           Part VII - The Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative &
               International Parental Child Abduction and Human Trafficking by Peter Thomas Senese